Friday, April 19, 2013

Charles Blow, "The Mind of a Terror Suspect": Giving Radical Islam a Free Pass

In his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "The Mind of a Terror Suspect" (, Charles Blow tells us:

"It’s complicated.

. . . .

'A picture has begun to emerge of 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev as an aggressive, possibly radicalized immigrant who may have ensnared his younger brother Dzhokhar — described almost universally as a smart and sweet kid — into an act of terror,' The Boston Globe reported Friday.

. . . .

[Dzhokhar] was a proud Muslim who tweeted about going to mosque and enjoying talking — and even arguing — about religion with others. But he seemed to believe that different faiths were in competition with one another. On Nov. 29, he tweeted: 'I kind of like religious debates, just hearing what other people believe is interesting and then crushing their beliefs with facts is fun.'"

Blow then provides us with additional tweets from Dzhokhar, before concluding:

"The last tweet on the account reads: 'I’m a stress free kind of guy.' The whole of the Twitter feed would argue against that assessment."

That's all? A "sweet kid," a "proud Muslim," who was led astray by his brother? Maybe we should give him a lollipop instead of a prison sentence.

This opinion piece is intended to provide us with insights into the workings of Dzhokhar's mind?

Charles, you haven't even scratched the surface. Yes, it is "complicated," but perhaps not as complicated as you would have us believe.

The mainstream media continues to turn triple somersaults to avoid having to examine the underpinnings of radical Islam. It's written in black and white, and you can easily find it on the Internet if you have the courage to face facts.

I already explained on Tuesday that the travesty in Boston was the "work" of radical Muslims (see:, but there were those pundits who still hoped to pin the horror on America's crazy homegrown right.

Michael Moore is busy telling anyone who will listen that "both Tsarnaev brothers were registered voters and U.S. citizens" (see:, i.e. they're not from the right, but at least they're homegrown. Give us a break!

Or as Star-Kist Tuna used to tell us in the '70s, "Sorry, Charlie."


  1. Ironically, as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev obtained US citizenship on 9/11/12, statistically he'll be categorized as a "home grown" terrorist. His brother, 'Boxing-for-Citizenship' Tamerlan, is another story.But as usual, there's always an agenda and the Liberal media doesn't want to confuse the facts with the issues.

  2. FAIL:

    "FBI checked out Boston Marathon bomb suspect in 2011"

    Read more:

    FBI Agent: "Now, it says here in my file that you emigrated from the Caucasus region of Russia. Tamerlan, are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?"

    Tsarnaev: "Of course not! I'm Chechen! I hate Russians more than you do!"

    FBI Agent: "Very good. Are you a member of any Terrorist organization?"

    Tsarnaev: "Define Terrorist. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, right?"

    FBI Agent: "Well, you know like Kach, IRA, Shining Path, ETA - I don't have the whole list in front of me right now but you know what I mean".

    Tsarnaev: "I'm a Muslim. We are also known as "The Religion of Peace". You can look it up on Google."

    FBI Agent: "Alrighty then, I think that about wraps it up. You're free to go".

    Tsarnaev: "Chav a nice day, my friend".

  3. "I'm a Muslim. We are also known as "The Religion of Peace". You can look it up on Google."

  4. I'll add to my "yeah."
    Yesterday was a relatively quiet day. The atheist/left activists of Christian and Jewish background worked part time still attacking religions, particularly or uniquely monotheistic, but didn't push their favored dogma "Islam is a religion of peace." Today, they are back to their full load of work.
    Funny, how these bozos usually are proud of ignoring the mainstream media and going to "independent" sources, conveniently ignoring who is actually behind them.
