Monday, October 15, 2012

David Brooks, "Rules for Craftsmen": Flip-Flopping Has Value?

In his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "Rules for Craftsmen" (, David Brooks describes the value of a "governing craftsman." Brooks writes:

"In other words, primary campaigns are won by the candidate who can most convincingly champion the party’s agenda, but general election campaigns are won by the candidate who can most plausibly fix the political system. So let’s think carefully about what sort of leader it would take to break through the partisan dysfunction and make Washington work."

So are we to understand that the ability to flip-flop on the issues in order to achieve compromises has value after all? Is this why Romney is adopting moderation as we approach November 6?

Sounds unsavory, but maybe David has a point.

1 comment:

  1. There may be a point at which a strong, savvy candidate can champion a party agenda that focuses heavily on fixing the political system -- but given the diatribes and apparent preferences of many of the "low-information" voters and pundits occupying the broadcast media and online networks, at least here in the US, I fear that we continue to get exactly the campaigns, "debates," and government we deserve...
