Saturday, September 8, 2012

Frank Bruni, "Haunted by Hillary": In Fact, Hillary Chose Not to Be in Charlotte

In his New York Times op-ed entitled "Haunted by Hillary" (, Frank Bruni observes the absence of Hillary Clinton from the Democratic Convention:

"Her day job, as secretary of state, had her in Asia. And a picture of her in East Timor, watching Bill’s speech, circulated quickly and spoke to why there’s such fascination with her these days."

Hillary's job kept her away from Charlotte? This is pure nonsense. Given her popularity, Hillary's presence in Charlotte would have been an enormous boon to Obama's campaign, but she chose not to attend and not to speak on the president's behalf.

Pressing foreign affairs business in East Timor with its population of some one million? Spare me.

Enough said.

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