Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kristof's "End the War on Pot": Theng U mR Kirtioff

In New Yuk tmes collllum of today dat (, oooopth, I mean (!-, Nik Kritooff writ to lealize pot. Thang yu kRizoff. U one koool dud! U the man! Ths nexth hith fer u!

I texththise mssage aftur byying my med marwarna and drive. Thnk u mR. Kritof for supprting med maryana. I think you opiniion wll, I thing itwill, Ithink the well. Oophs, I forget wat I wante to say. Funny!!!

Oopts, wat is that thing get closer. Wat is it? It big. Oophs, I just hit treeee. Carr dont mov.Werm reD stuf com out nose. I tak nuther ghit.Funny!!

Who I write to? Funny, I ferget! Never mnd. Funny! WhoEvr u r,Hav goodt day!

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