Friday, October 30, 2009

Amnesty International: Taking a Page from Human Rights Watch's Website

Go to Amnesty's home page, and see what gets top billing: A heart wrenching picture of a Palestinian girl sitting on a curb with empty water bottles. The caption: "Israel rations Palestinians to a trickle of water."

Of course, it might have been "nice" if Amnesty had allowed the Israel Water Authority to provide their contrary view. But why should facts stand in Amnesty's way?

Bombings in Baghdad the other day that killed more than 150 people? Yesterday's news.

Lashings in Saudi Arabia? We are told that Amnesty "has welcomed the intervention of Saudi Arabia’s head of state, King ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul ‘Aziz, to cancel a flogging sentence against a female journalist" for her work on a television program during which a man spoke about his sex life. Good old King Abdullah! Now if only he would revoke the 1,000 lashes and five-year prison term to which the man was sentenced.

You see it's all about what will bring in the funding, and what is more popular than to beat up on tiny Israel. How about Amnesty disclosing on a country by country basis the source of their funding? How about lobbying for a Jordanian/Israeli desalination project?

Or might that dry up Amnesty's donations to a trickle?

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